I [heart] my studiomates

Summer 2007

Friday, July 18, 2008

Thank You For Letting Me Pee Myself... Again

Hey everybody,

Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the summer. It's that time of year. Project Runway is back. So even if you are living in Boston, you may very well have a reason to live. If you missed the first episode, don't worry, it will be on 400 times a day. My early favorite is Terri, because she looks like she is a member of the family Stone. Did you know that Sly got married at Madison Square Garden? I did.


hey all you lovelies left in philly...

bim is leaving wednesday- so to say goodbye, i'm proposing a picnic in clark park- sunday 5pm-ish on a blanket somewhere around the bowl.

if it's raining- meet at my place (4526 osage, apt. a3).

anyways- i'll bring the blanket, some bread, cheese, killer salad, and maybe some sort of fancy booty. drinks (in bags) and all sorts of other goods welcome.

Thursday, July 17, 2008



(i'm a little obsessed right now)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


this is what you need at work...

matches your shoes, matches your maisie, and lets you silently judge even when your on breaks.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

kate's flickr

hey cats,
although i should be reediting and gluing my portfolio, i've decided to organize my pictures instead. come visit me on flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/katica88/ - you'll be sure to recognize some of the scenery soon.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

this one goes out to austin and lloyd

yeh- so here are the instructions, just make sure Denis never finds out.