I [heart] my studiomates

Summer 2007

Thursday, August 16, 2007

summer's bounty

we're in tomato heaven down here in richmond, va. this was the view out the kitchen window this morning. just made a big batch of pico de gallo-- delicioso! hope everyone is having a hot and happy august. xxxo, liz

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Hey Gang

Hey everybody, I hope summers are warm and lovely for everybody. Philly is treating me well. Not too much to talk about, but check out http://jetsongreen.typepad.com/jetson_green/ for a write up of the firm I'm working for's first project. I have never seen this blog before, but I guess it's kind of big time. My boss is big into marketing and all that, so keep a look out for more on other sites. The project is a 52 unit mixed-use joint and if all goes to plan (which it probably won't) it should be pretty sweet, so save your money and get ready to move into the ghetto.